Monday, May 26, 2008

I held out!

I tested this morning. Of course I woke up at 5:00 which is way way early for me and tested. It was positive! I am very excited and very happy.

I have left a message at the RE. Not sure if they are open today or not. I wanted to know when to come in for a beta and also about taking progesterone. I have refills from last time but will probably wait to fill it until I hear from them.

This time I plan on being more positive. With the last pregnancy I was very negative and didn't have a good feeling the whole time. I think everything had taken a toll and I wasn't completely ready from the loss.

Thank you ladies for all your support this weekend!


Steph said...

Woohoo! Congrats!!!
I hope to hear good beta news. :)

Lost in Space said...

Congrats, Miah!! I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear your beta.

Adrianne said...

Congrats!! Can't wait to hear word of your beta!!