Monday, December 1, 2008

First U/S

I had my first ultra sound on Friday. There is a gestation sac measuring 5 weeks. I was 5 weeks 3 days the day of. I am taking that as great news. I could not get my beta done because of the holiday. So I went today. I also had the mthfr test.

My boobs started getting sore and I am hungry all the time. This was different then my other pregnancies. Usually I get hungry and sore boobs right away. But this time it happened later. Another way to add to my paranoia. I am telling myself that this pregnancy is different then all the others because it is a healthy pregnancy! I am working very hard at keeping the negative thoughts away.

1 comment:

Lost in Space said...

I am so happy to read this, Miah!! I love your positive attitude and train of thought. Many congrats to you!!