I had my follie check on Friday. I had 3 follies. One at 17 and two at 15. I could not believe it. Usually I have one that is promising and then a maybe. I have also ovulated earlier these past two cycles. Usually on Clomid I ovulate on CD 17 or 18. So it seems like the weight loss has another positive. I triggered yesterday and we are just doing timed intercourse.
I am determined to think positive. Everyday on my walk I have been repeating positive thoughts. That I will have a strong follie that will be a strong egg that will become a strong baby. It isn't easy because I have become so negative. But I am trying.
On another note the poor beagle hurt her back again. About six months ago we finished putting hardwood floors in. Getting rid of the carpet was good for us bad for her. We have been doing so good at keeping her from running inside. However, last night we got her all excited and she took off running. Todays she wasn't jumping. My vet couldn't see her today so she is on pain meds and will be seen tomorrow. It is lonely taking a walk without her.
Repeat: Was It Worth It
2 hours ago
What great response to the meds!! I'd say this cycle is going well too. (: What a great attitude you have. I could learn a thing or 2. (;
How is your sweet furbaby doing?
Hope you are holding up, Miah!
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