Friday, July 11, 2008

Post Op Appointment

I had my post op from my D & C today. Everything was fine with me. I had what I thought was a period last weekend which had never happened with my other two D & C. Dr. Abby said it was probably just a drop in hormones releasing the blood not to worry.

I have been debating since this happened whether I wanted to know the gender of the baby. For some reason I felt that knowing would make it even more real and therefore harder for me to cope. In the end I decided it might help me bring some closure.

The loss was caused by Trisomy 16 and was a boy. It is somewhat of a relief to know that the miscarriage was caused by an abnormality. At least I know that for this loss it wasn't my body killing my baby. It makes the decision to try again easier. I am still undecided but am leaning on giving TTC another shot. I only have to wait one cycle if I do try again so at least there isn't a two cycle wait like with my previous ones. Different doctor different rules on that I guess. She also said that it is extremely rare for it to happen more then once and does not think my other two were caused by it. She does not want to do genetic testing with me or K at this time. So of course it is another lets wait and see if it happens again.

I am sad either way about the gender. When we first started trying we both thought it would be neat to have a boy because K's brother and sister have 4 girls each. So it is a little bitter sweet. Of course we could care less now. All we want is a healthy baby. It does make it more real but I am not as upset as I thought I would be.

We had a great trip to Vegas. I was doing really well masking my feelings. Putting on a good show since most of K's family was there. K's sister lives in Vegas so we hardly ever talk to her. I found out the day before our big family dinner that her 21 year old is accidentally pregnant. I think she is purposely accidentally pregnant because she is insecure in her relationship. Anyway I had a day to prepare to mask my feelings better. The first place I was sitting at dinner was to close to where she would be so I got up and moved. Her little sister is of course excited big sis is pregnant and she has the u/s pic in her hand. I am sitting at the far end of 13 people from her. Of course I am the person she decides to run up to and show it to first. I flipped out practically yelled I don't want to see that got up running to the bathroom. It ruined my last evening in Vegas. I was fighting back the tears the whole time and haven't been the same since. It was like a slap in the face how unfair all of this is. Stupid young adult child who has no business being pregnant.


Lost in Space said...

I'm glad to see you posting again, Miah. You have been in my thoughts and prayers over the last weeks. I'm glad you are considering trying again and hope you find a little comfort knowing why you lost your baby.

I am so sorry about the u/s picture. I can't even imagine how hard that had to be. Giant hugs coming your way.

Just Me. said...

I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words. (((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

Wow Miah, I'm at a loss for words, I was excited to see a comment from you on my blog, then I came over here and I just don't know what to say. I'm in tears for you. You will be in my prayers and I'm not one of those people that say Oh I'll pray for you and never do, I do.

From what I'm learning only really having known that I am pregnant for 2 weeks now is that you have to do a lot of trusting. Trusting in God that everything will be ok. I don't know if you are a believer or not, and I know it would be hard to trust in God after having 3 losses, but I believe its trusting that makes all the difference. Its really hard to say this because forever I didn't trust, I was too quick to say God doesn't care about me or the way I feel and no sooner did I except God's timing in getting pregnant, I got pregnant. Now of course I'm still hoping for a sticky bean, but I've gotten past the hurtle of infertility. So I can thank God for the fact that I am not infertile and just pray and hope for a good outcome. But what I've learned about early pregnancy....its even worse than a 2 week wait. At anyrate, what I'm trying to say is that you have gotten over the hurtle of infertility, now it will be about letting go and trusting God, and believe me when I say I haven't even gotten that down yet.

Miah I hope you don't give up. please keep trying! You are meant to be a mother!