My 2nd beta was 152! I was really nervous about it and am relieved to know it is good.
Right now my first appointment and u/s are on June 16. When I called K about it he said he wasn't at a calendar but thought that would be when he was in China. I knew he was going but I thought it was later. I am really upset that he is even going during that time because I have never made it past 8 weeks. What if something happens while he is gone? I know he doesn't have a choice because they are having considerable issues with the company that builds our scaffold. I really wish that my brother would start going so it is not always my husband traveling over there. Clint and his wife are such germaphobes that he won't go. He doesn't say that is the reason but I know it is. He won't even let K or my dad near his daughter after they have been over there. So weird.
O.K. enough complaining I am just upset and worried.
Repeat: Was It Worth It
2 hours ago
Great news on your second beta. I am so thrilled for you!!
I'm so sorry that you are upset and that your DH may be gone during such a worrisome time for you. I hope you are able to get it all worked out and that your DH has the date wrong. Huge (hugs) hun.
Great news on the beta! I hope everything works out for you guys with the scheduling of the appt! ((hugs))
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