Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My betas

Sorry I haven't updated or been a very good blogger. I promise to catch up.

It has been a long week because my betas are going up but not doubling. So I have been doing the waiting game. My first beta was 75, my second was 129 and my third was 221. I didn't have another one until yesterday and it was at 799. It was supposed to be at 880. So they are increasing but since they aren't doubling they are having me come in on Friday for an u/s and another beta. I am also having the mthfr test. Apparently that was not done when my ob/gyn did my recurrent loss panel. I am a little irritated that the RE is just now thinking of doing it. Umm let's see why don't we wait until the patient is pregnant to do the test. She did put me on extra folic acid yesterday.

I had a therapy appointment on Friday and yesterday. So that helped. K went with me on Friday. I was happy about that. My therapist is also a reiki healer. So she had me lay on a massage table yesterday and did some reiki on my head, abdomen and my knees. My knees were hurting but felt a lot better when she was done. She also had me visualize my pregnancy being healthy while she was doing it. I felt a lot better after.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Test Day

It was positive. I thought I was in the middle of the week because I was cramping. I have only had early cramps when I am pregnant. I never cramp before my period. Well Friday the cramps had stopped and my boobs were not getting sore. I really could not remember when my boobs started getting sore before. Anyway I had myself convinced I was not. I almost forgot to test this morning and only did so to confirm it was negative. So I was kinda surprised.

I go in tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday for a beta. I really hope this is it because I have decided not to try again if I have four losses.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Beagle Update

Well the beagle really scared me last week. I took her to the vet about her back. He could tell that she was sore. He said that since it has happened before that we really need to crate her for two to three weeks or risk paralysis. He said not to worry unless she got worse. Well that night she started losing her balance in her hind legs. When she took a stretch her hind end just fell down. So of course I was freaking out. I haven't quite recovered from losing Bitzi so I am sure that added to my fear.

I took her that next morning for x rays. Her back looked fine. No swelling in the disc. He said he saw a little bit of an issue in her neck but wasn't really concerned. He also said that there might be lesions that would not show up with an x ray. But that would be looked at if she didn't get better.

She is walking better now each day an improvement. But she still can't stretch without it making her sit down. Not as bad as the falling over. So that is good. She hasn't been crated since house training so she doesn't like it. I am having to walk her on the leash to use the restroom and then straight back to the crate.

Funny thing is I pulled my back on the squat machine Saturday. Really not funny because it hurt and I didn't want to take a muscle relaxer right now. So we were both laid up this weekend. I went to the chiropractor today and told him about the two of us. He said he has adjusted quite a few dogs! So I told him that is she still seems to be off balance next week I will check with my vet about it.

Test date is Sunday!

Monday, November 3, 2008

This cycle is going well

I had my follie check on Friday. I had 3 follies. One at 17 and two at 15. I could not believe it. Usually I have one that is promising and then a maybe. I have also ovulated earlier these past two cycles. Usually on Clomid I ovulate on CD 17 or 18. So it seems like the weight loss has another positive. I triggered yesterday and we are just doing timed intercourse.

I am determined to think positive. Everyday on my walk I have been repeating positive thoughts. That I will have a strong follie that will be a strong egg that will become a strong baby. It isn't easy because I have become so negative. But I am trying.

On another note the poor beagle hurt her back again. About six months ago we finished putting hardwood floors in. Getting rid of the carpet was good for us bad for her. We have been doing so good at keeping her from running inside. However, last night we got her all excited and she took off running. Todays she wasn't jumping. My vet couldn't see her today so she is on pain meds and will be seen tomorrow. It is lonely taking a walk without her.